Friday, October 19, 2012

Halloween 2012

Just finished my Halloween cards.  The theme this year is sugar skulls (dios de la muerte) and tickets.  Here's a sample. Check my Halloween page for more.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just uploaded more images of greeting cards.  I keep mailing them before I remember to take a pic!  lol

New Images

I finally took pictures of my first art jnournal, and two altered books.  Check them out!

Friday, June 15, 2012

I finally got my scanner to work!  Now I can share my art with you.  Here's a recent work.  This is a tri-fold card made with one sheet of double-sided cardstock.  It folds to fit in a standard envelope. 

I've been focusing on art journals and will put up some pages soon. 

I've started way too many projects than I can complete this year, but oh well.  As long an I don't end up with too many UFOs (UnFinished Objects).

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Got the darned quilt blocks sewn together.  Now I have to save up for batting!  Katy's still helping though...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pigtales and Quilts: I Am Back and With A Fabulous Giveaway!

Pigtales and Quilts: I Am Back and With A Fabulous Giveaway!

I quilt an I'm crazy.  Does that qualify me? 

Seriously, this is a fabulous new site for Crazy Quilters.    What a find.  Check it out.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Creative Freedom

To live a creative life we must lose out fear of being wrong.
                                         John Callton Pearce

Sunday, February 26, 2012


This year I am determined to finish the quilt I started during a quilt-block-of-the-month class in the 1980's.  Here's my kitty helping me with the layout...

Holiday Card Boxes

Here are the 3 boxes...

Holiday Cards

I made holiday cards for each of my sisters last year.  I used chipboard children's book pages and decorated them with one holiday on each page.  I took the books apart and ran ribbon around the edges to make each separate holiday card.  I decorated wooden boxes, lined them with felt, and included a photo stand with the seasonal cards in each box.  I loved making them and they were warmly recieved.  Here are a few sample pages:    

Back at it

Wow - nearly 9 months since I've been on this blog.  What happened?  My scanner died, my camera broke, my phone died, needed a new computer, was ill.  All of this cramped my creativity to say the least.  BUT...I'M BACK!!!  Still no scanner, but I am using my new cell phone camera and iphone software to share my latest creations. 

My sisters, Denise and Cathie, with me in the middle. We got together with little sister Cheryl to celebrate my 60th birthday the weekend of January 27.  We took a trip to Shipwreck Beads in Olympia where we all bought beads and made bracelets to remember the weekend by.  I'll upload a pic of my bracelet as soon as I can get a good photo.